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Unprogrammed Quakers in the Rocky Mountain West

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Arizona Half Yearly Meeting Spring Session at Tempe Friends Meeting318 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (main cross streets: College Ave. & 15th St.) 
Friday evening through Saturday, March 21-22, 2025

Please join Friends from around Arizona for AHYM’s spring meeting for a weekend of faith and fellowship.
We are blessed to have Mary Klein as our guest and keynote speaker.  Mary served as Editor and Executive Director of Western Friend from January 2013 through December 2024. She previously served as Community 
Programs Consultant for World Centric, and as the Executive Director of Peninsula Interfaith Action. She is a member of Palo Alto Monthly Meeting.  

As Editor of Western Friend, Mary has shared her wisdom and faith through monthly articles, traveled widely among Friends in the West, and led Western Friend to establish a podcast and hold online discussions about pressing issues among Friends. 

Our theme comes from a query Mary brings us:
How Might Quakers be More Relevant Today?
She’ll help us explore the intergenerational aspects of that question, as well as the changing stature that little-d democracy/common good/public health and other issues of public concern hold in our nation’s zeitgeist today.  

Activities for children and Young Friends are included.
Childcare will be provided.

Cost for In-Person Attendance: $45 for age 11 to adult; $10 per child over six (no charge for children five and under) 

Saturday dinner: $10 per person 

Scholarships may be available through your Meeting 


To register you can: 

Fill out an online registration form HERE.

Fill out, print, and mail a PDF registration form HERE

For registration help, contact Lisa Hobson, Registrar, at or (480) 326-7931


- in Service to the Light

Email Us:

Intermountain Yearly Meeting c/o MVFM
2280 S. Columbine Street
Denver, CO 80210

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