Intermountain Yearly Meeting (IMYM) Privacy Policy
Policy last updated October 13, 2023
IMYM Privacy Policy
Respecting your privacy is an issue of integrity, and, as a Quaker organization, integrity is part of who we are. This policy outlines the specifics about how we collect and use your personal information.
Information we collect about you
- When you register for an event for which registration is managed by IMYM, subscribe to the IMYM mailing list, or join a committee, we will ask you to provide contact information. We may also ask you to provide demographic information and information about your needs and preferences as they relate to services offered by IMYM, and we will add you to our mailing list.
- Once you subscribe to or are added to our mailing list, you may choose what type of communications you want to receive from IMYM.
- When you purchase books, donate money, or attend a paid event organized by IMYM, we will ask you to provide billing and payment information.
How we use that information
- IMYM uses information collected to provide you with the services you ask for, such as access to programming and activities, food services, and lodging provided at an event.
- IMYM uses information collected to send out periodic IMYM newsletters and announcements regarding events or programs offered by IMYM or IMYM-affiliated Regional or Half -Yearly Meetings and Monthly Meetings.
- Consistent with the terms of IMYM’s affiliation agreement with Friends General Conference (FGC), IMYM may share contact information with FGC provided it may be used for no more than up to three print mailings per year.
- FGC may use information collected and information provided by yearly and monthly meetings for communications related to service on FGC committees, service with FGC governance, or to extend other service/volunteer opportunities to you. FGC’s privacy policy is available online HERE.
- Other than as described above, IMYM will not review, share, distribute, or reference for third parties any such personal information except as may be required by law.
- IMYM does not share, sell, rent, or trade personally identifiable information with third parties for their promotional purposes.
- IMYM staff and volunteers may access personal information only for providing services, conducting statistical analysis to better understand our constituents, asking for financial support, preventing or addressing service or technical problems. Or, as may be required by law.
IMYM Internal Directory
- IMYM will use information we collect through our mailing list to create and make available an Internal Directory containing individual’s contact information for use by IMYM Officers, Clerks, committee members, and work groups for supporting collaboration and work on IMYM sponsored events and projects and by individuals associated with IMYM affiliated Monthly Meetings to communicate directly with each other regarding topics of mutual interest.
- IMYM will employ appropriate recognized online data privacy practices, including but not limited to password protection, to restrict access to the Internal Directory.
- By accessing the Internal Directory, individuals agree to not share the Internal Directory, or any written or printed copy, with others not also in the Directory. Notification of this policy will be posted wherever the directory appears.
- IMYM Officers may elect to remove an individual’s contact information and restrict their access to the Internal Directory if in their sole judgment, the individual has not followed the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Right to Opt Out
- You may independently opt out of all mailing list communications from IMYM and or remove your contact information from the internal Director independently with assistance from IMYM. Or you may email us at to request we do that on your behalf.
- We will update your records as promptly as is practical; however, you may receive communications while we process your request.
Changes to this Policy
- From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in this privacy policy.
- If our information practices change and require a change to our privacy policy, we will notify you of the change to the policy and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses or the Directory.
- If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check this page periodically for updates.
- By using the IMYM website, IMYM services, participating in IMYM – events, and/or serving on an IMYM committee, you agree to this privacy policy. Notification of this policy will be posted wherever this occurs.
How to Contact Us
Questions regarding IMYM’s Privacy Statement or information practices should be directed to or by mail:
Intermountain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
2280 South Columbine St.
Denver, CO 80210