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Unprogrammed Quakers in the Rocky Mountain West


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Religious Education for Young People

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends holding a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. We include Friends from all branches of our international Quaker family. We welcome all Friends involved in religious education. Join us in forming a community of practice to share resources, skills, gifts, questions and insights, and to support each other in the ministry of Quaker faith formation. QREC offers an extensive library of First Day School lessons on a variety of subjects.

Quaker Affirmations - This curriculum was envisioned, created, and developed as a way to guide and educate young Friends in their Quaker faith, similar to Confirmation Classes or Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies found in other faiths.

Conversation Circles are online gatherings to connect as a Quaker religious education community of practice, and to share experience and resources. Conversation Circles serve as a sampler to invite further inquiry and collaboration on topics of shared interest for Quaker faith formation across the lifespan. Two sessions are scheduled per topic to facilitate international participation.

Friend’s General Conference has a comprehensive resource page for supporting young people and families.

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Youth Programs offer resources and inspiration for youth programs across a variety of Quaker Communities.

Faith & Play™ Stories is a Montessori-inspired storytelling resource that helps children find words and images for expressing their experiences of holy mystery and wonder in their lives. Play is children’s practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving from Faith and Practice.

Our Whole Lives Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities.

- in Service to the Light

Email Us:

Intermountain Yearly Meeting c/o MVFM
2280 S. Columbine Street
Denver, CO 80210

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