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Update on LandBack to Nisenan tribe

23 Mar 2024 4:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


From the IMYM Peace & Social Justice Roundtable: 

Please read an important update on LandBack to Nisenan tribe posted below.

If you want to learn more about about the Nisenan LandBack project, please watch the ZOOM recording of the March 23rd, 2024 IMYM Peace & Social Justice Roundtable here

CHIRP-Woolman Q&A 

(Updated 3/6/24) 

1) In addition to Quaker Meetings, individual Friends, and friends of Friends, are there other  contributors that have committed major support for this initiative, that will help ensure that the  fundraising goals are reached? Can these sources be identified and shared with the rest of us for  our information? (We do know about and are sharing the recent $565,00 contribution). CHIRP’s campaign is going out far and there are many sectors of the community amplifying and  donating. Woolman’s Executive Director Jennifer Dickey (with her husband Andrew Huang) and  Woolman board member Alexa Hauser have donated over $20k each. CHIRP's Board president Julie  Baker (with her husband Richard) donated $5k, as did Nia Impact Capital in the East Bay. There have  been a few other $5k and $10k donations, though some have asked to remain anonymous. There are a  few local businesses and clubs who have donated in the $500 range. Beyond community contributions,  CHIRP is still in conversations with Foundations and potential major donors and will keep sharing as  there are solid commitments made such as the $565k commitment recently shared. 

2) What is the actual sale price and how was that figure arrived at? What are the anticipated  improvements that will be needed once the land transfer happens? (In other words, what is the  $1.5million based on?) 

The total fundraising goal of the campaign is $2.4 million. The $1.5 million figure is the portion  CHIRP hopes to have raised by April 4th. The $2.4 million includes the purchase price of the  land/buildings (which is confidential); water/sewage system inspections, associated fees and upgrades;  housing inspections, permitting and compliance; infrastructure inspections to shift from propane to  electric; and a six-year endowment for insurance, maintenance, and upgrades. 

3) What happens if the $1.5 million goal isn’t met by April 4? Can the escrow period be  extended? Can the price be lowered? Is there a contingency plan? 

April 4th is not a hard deadline - so long as CHIRP is certain it can raise the funds prior to April 4th,  CHIRP will continue to fundraise beyond that date. Escrow goes another 30 days beyond that - that's  just the date that the $75k deposit CHIRP made is no longer refundable. If mutually agreed, escrow  extensions are possible for either party to meet its contingencies for the sale. It is not known at this  time whether an escrow extension will be needed or agreed to. Contingency plans are under discussion but are confidential in nature, at least while CHIRP and Woolman are in contract. 

4) When is the total $2.4 million due? 

The portion of the $2.4 million that is the purchase price will be due upon close of escrow. There is not a due date for the remainder. Beyond purchase price, CHIRP is raising funds for needed repairs and an  operating endowment (more in answer to question #5) and these are things CHIRP will handle as  CHIRP has the funds for them, in the order of timing needed for each issue. At some point CHIRP will  end the GoFundMe campaign and move to grants for the things that will need more funding than  CHIRP would attempt to raise while including community donations.

5) Is there any specific information on how the $2.4 million will be used? More specific than is on  the website? 

There will be more on this on CHIRP’s website soon. The $2.4 million will be used for the following:  purchase price of the land; water/sewage system inspections, associated fees and upgrades; housing  inspections, permitting and compliance; infrastructure inspections to shift from propane to electric; six year endowment for insurance, maintenance, and upgrades. 

6) Is there a public statement that we can cite about the casino question? (Unfortunately this keeps coming up.) 

CHIRP asked the Woolman Board to amend the sale agreement to add a deed restriction prohibiting  casino gaming on the land forever by any person or entity. CHIRP did this because the casino question  keeps coming up here too. The purchase contract was amended, the deed restriction executed, and it  was recorded on 2/26/2024 at the County Recorder's Office in the chain of title. It is a public  document. 

7) What happens to the money raised by CHIRP if the totals are not reached by the deadline (as  it is or as it might be extended), and the transaction does not close, whether for that or any other  reason? In particular, would money from individual donors be refunded, or offered to be  refunded? 

The CHIRP Board has adopted a resolution directing that the funds raised in this campaign be  dedicated to creating a tribal homeland. So if the Woolman trasaction does not close escrow, the funds will remain in a segregated account dedicated to a tribal homeland, and will not be used for any other  purpose. CHIRP’s GoFundMe site states: “NOTE: All funds raised for purchasing the Woolman land,  will be applied exclusively for the identification and purchase of a property that fits the needs identifiedby the Tribe, should the Woolman land purchase fall through for any reason.” CHIRP’s legal counsel  Frank Lawrence is not aware of any discussion about refunding donations if escrow doesn’t close, but  he will pass the question along to the CHIRP Board to discuss.

- in Service to the Light

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