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Unprogrammed Quakers in the Rocky Mountain West


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Alaska Native artifacts returned to Kake as Quakers continue reparations

12 Aug 2024 4:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear Friends,

See this update about Alaska Friends' growing relationship with the Kake community. Last year Alaska Quakers raised $92,000 for construction of a community healing center in Kake, where Friends had operated a mission and provided teachers for a day school in the early 1900s. They have been building relationships with the community over the past few years, and now a descendant of one of the Quaker teachers has returned some objects that she had inherited to Kake . I'm wondering if other Quakers will find items that have come to them from family members who taught at the other Quaker schools. Last year a Quaker in Wabash IN returned several pairs of moccasins that she found among her grandfather's belongings. He had served as superintendent of White's Manual Labor Institute, a Quaker-operated boarding school for Native children. In our conversations with Friends about Quakers' role in the forced assimilation of Native children, let's raise this question. - Paula Palmer

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