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Unprogrammed Quakers in the Rocky Mountain West

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Annual Gathering June 2025

Planning for our annual gathering has been progressing with joy and participation from about 25 interested Friends. The theme "Beloved Community: Gathered in Courage and Care" has been rising for us.

We have especially heard the calls for a relaxed, intergenerational & spiritually-grounded gathering space with time to get to know one another in the things which matter.

We are also working to add a camping option and more meal and family housing flexibility to better meet the range of budget and family group needs of our community members.

Arrangements and Program Working Group meetings are open to all and are typically held twice a month on Tuesday nights 7:00-8:30 PM (Dec 17, Jan 7 & 18*, Feb 11 & 25, Mar 11 & 25, April 1, 15 & 29, May 13 & 27 and June 3).

Contact & to be added to the meeting invitation or to share your insights for IMYM AG 2025.

Welcome Next Generation

IMYM Annual Gathering 2025 invites young friends across the age spectrum including:

  • Children’s Yearly Meeting (through the summer before 5th grade)
  • Junior Young Friends (through and including the summer before freshman year)
  • Senior Young Friends (those who have completed at least the freshman year of high school)

Join Quaker Friends from Children’s Yearly Meeting, Junior Young Friends, and Senior Young Friends, for worship, worship sharing, business meeting, tons of activities, relaxation, fellowship, and most of all … FUN.

Wonder About Pay as Led?

IMYM Annual Gathering registration fees are based on a “pay as led” model. Pay as led pricing is available for members & attenders of individuals connected to Monthly Meetings within Intermountain Yearly Meeting. Our goal is to include as many Friends as possible in the fellowship, fun, and discernment of business at Annual Gathering. So, to reduce financial barriers to attendance and participation we ask you to register for the room and board you need and then prayerfully consider how much you feel led to pay – whether that is less or more than the true cost.

We ask monthly meetings to continue to support attendance at the Annual Gathering, but instead of making individual grants for attendance to individuals, please send the amount the meeting might have awarded, directly to the Yearly Meeting Treasurer. This way, no one needs to ask for help, and everyone will be provided for.

This method of financing the annual gathering has worked for several years due to generous donations from Friends. IMYM has decided to use this process for as long as it continue to work. During the registration process, you will be given an opportunity to donate to the IMYM Pay as Led (PaL). We thank you for supporting this inclusion effort of IMYM. For more information, please see the article Paying as Led on the Friends Journal website.

Gather at Fort Lewis College

Ft. Lewis College, located in iconic Durango, Colorado, invites us to "bring curiosity, sense of adventure, and love of life" to their vibrant campus overlooking a beautiful landscape of mountain and desert. Fort Lewis College has a large food court with an abundance of delicious food choices including menu options to accommodate many food restrictions including gluten free, diabetic, dairy free, or vegetarian/vegan. We'll lodge on campus in Animas Hall and Cooper Hall. Golf cart transportation is available to make getting around campus easy! 

To learn more about Ft. Lewis College, including their Land Acknowledgement to the Nuuchiu (Ute) tribe, Jicarilla Abache (Apache), Pueblos of New Mexico, Hopi Sinom (Hopi), and Dine (Navajo) Nations, visit their college HISTORY website.

Check the Annual Gathering registration website for more information on Ft. Lewis College, Food, and Lodging. 

Friends who may have stayed away from the IMYM Annual Gathering because of the accessibility challenges posed by the Ghost Ranch venue will find Fort Lewis College a truly accessible venue. Just as important, IMYM is committed to “seek to create an inclusive environment that encourages full participation of all in the life of our Yearly Meeting. We seek guidance and recommendations from those who have experience with various accessibility needs and experience with creating universally accessible built environments and programs (MINUTE 20190614(b)).” Join us in Durango to enjoy the mountains, participate in our programs and activities and help us seek the guidance of Spirit to make IMYM a truly inclusive, welcoming experience for all.

- in Service to the Light

Email Us:

Intermountain Yearly Meeting c/o MVFM
2280 S. Columbine Street
Denver, CO 80210

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